Ever Wonder: How Long Does It Take to Make A Painting?

Ever wondered how long it takes to make a painting?

“Scottish Plume Thistle” | 8″x10″ | Oil on Board | $360 | ©MargaretDukeman

Many times I’ve been asked
“How Long Did That Painting Take To Complete?”
There is no short simple answer to this question.
An artist’s work of art is similar to the delivering of a baby, much thought and preparation goes into it. With your art you’ve thought about it, researched the subject, discovered the best angles and composition, done quick sketches and/or take photos as reference for the studio, and developed the color scheme that develops the mood you are trying to achieve. Each painting is a building block in the castle of your skills through new brush strokes, color combinations and different mediums. This experimenting and learning of skills are carried-over from one painting to the next.

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Five Days, 2 Bags and an Exhibition to Go!

FIVE DAYS | With five days left before I leave for my six weeks in Ireland it’s starting to become crunch time. Time to wind up projects I’ve been working on and start putting together my mobile art studio. For me the piles have start forming of things that can’t be forgotten. This is how I pre-pack the week before I leave. How could anyone be expected to remember everything while packing?

TWO BAGS | My two bags consist of one carry-on and a large checked bag. Anyone who knows me would Continue reading “Five Days, 2 Bags and an Exhibition to Go!”

The Packing & Countdown have started!

Seven and Counting…

Seven and counting…One week from today I’ll be heading to Ireland. Boarding that jet with my paintings for exhibition, my camera, watercolor supplies and just a few clothes. I can’t think of any way better to spend six weeks than creating, writing and exploring this land of my ancestors! Inspiration comes when I slow down to a delightfully slow pace on two-tire track roads with grass growing in the middle. These are roads that wind and turn as they find their way around the mountains, valleys and stonewall lined fields.

Quilted Valley, Mountain and Skies | 16”x20” | oil on board

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The Rolling Hills & Country Roads of the Plains

Growing up I really enjoyed the gravel roads of Iowa. Growing up in the country we took these roads frequently back and forth to town. Even as a child I loved the ditches along side the roads with their beautiful flowers and the fence posts that you could see going by…as long as you weren’t going too fast. Going too fast can also be fun though because there is a bit of a sliding factor that always can become exciting. Continue reading “The Rolling Hills & Country Roads of the Plains”