The Rolling Hills & Country Roads of the Plains

Growing up I really enjoyed the gravel roads of Iowa. Growing up in the country we took these roads frequently back and forth to town. Even as a child I loved the ditches along side the roads with their beautiful flowers and the fence posts that you could see going by…as long as you weren’t going too fast. Going too fast can also be fun though because there is a bit of a sliding factor that always can become exciting. The Wild ditch flowers are assumed as ordinary when they are really quite extraordinary. They usually have flowers that have very intricate architecture to them. I have found myself over the years photographing these “weeds” frequently and generating beautiful works of art out of what many wouldn’t consider giving a second glance. I’d like to encourage you to slow life down and notice the “weeds”. I know that sounds funny.

Recently I have started a series of 6″x12″ oil on board paintings. This series is of my home state and all its wonderful offerings: flowers, rolling hills, farmland and rivers. Painting small is something I have never done but have found it to be a great challenge and something I’ve really enjoyed. These petite treats are done on cradle boards (boards that have a small frame on the back making them 3D). They are perfect for a small spot or even simply standing on a side table.

Next time you are in the country take those roads less traveled and brave that exciting, sliding gravel!