Challenging my Art

I like a good challenge even in my art so I decided to buy the smallest boards I could find and see if I could translate 3’x7′ down to 4″x4″. First I had to figure out just exactly what the subject matter would be. I went back to one I was familiar with…Flowers.

Part of my heart has always been in the garden. I grew up in the country and always did like playing in the dirt so gardening as an adult is the closest I can come to…

Playing in the Mud.

There is something rewarding about making something grow from a teeny tiny seed.

I love the structure of flowers and the unlimited array of colors that they manage to show up in. Flowers manage to put colors together that you would never consider acceptable. This happens to show us that there really aren’t any bad colors, just those that tend to speak to us. Others tend to remind us of an event, a place or a person, be they good or bad. Colors have an amazing ability to bring emotions along with them.

These itty bitty teeny tiny works of art proved to be the challenge I was looking for to bring new inspiration to my work. Combining something familiar with something new allowed me to take a jump into an unknown with a bit of a safety net.

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone just to challenge yourself?


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