Creative Inspirations

It is amazing all of the things that can inspire a painting. I am not just talking visually but just daily events and pleasures. Being creative I love making things in my spare time as well. Creativity and art are not just used to make paintings, sculptures and pottery.

What are you creating these days?

Below are a list of my Favorite Creative Pleasures:

• Making Kombucha and Tea Soda

• Baking Bread

• Cooking and Preserving

• Spending time Gardening

• Travel

• Sewing

Jamming to Create!

Music and Art are very closely tied together…especially for me! I was raised to love music from my Dad singing Johnny Cash and Kenny Rogers and my Mom keeping an album on the record player continually. A few of our favorites were the Jungle Book, Paint Your Wagon, Simon and Garfunkel to name just a few. My Grandparents as well made sure we experienced the Lawrence Welk Show each Saturday that we were visiting. Yes, we did pretend to be Bobby and Sissy, the dancers, as we listened to it. My sisters and I “punished” our two brothers and made them participate in our dance adventures. Our exposure to music was intentionally very diverse as we listened to everything from musicals to contemporary folk music.

Teaching myself to play guitar…years ago!

Each of my siblings and I played instruments in the marching, concert and jazz bands. My instrument was the trombone. I have to say I don’t think I have ever revealed why the trombone. I was completely intrigued with the slide and thought as a child that the tube must actually go down your throat, after all where else would it go?!?! Isn’t that what everyone thought??? Okay, now from experience I can assure you that it does not go down your throat. We were gifted with some of the best band directors, at Pella Community High School in Pella, Iowa, with Guy Blair and Dick Redmond. My siblings and I all have amazing memories that will last us a lifetime of our time in band.

Myself in Pella Community High School Jazz Band.

Now that you know where my love for music and the arts comes from I want to assure you that my listening list in the studio is as diverse as that I was introduced to as a child. I have to say Johnny Cash will always be one of my favorites as he carries so many memories. Along with him I also have a passion for The Highway Women, Celtic Thunder, Bob Dylan, The High Kings, Bruce Springsteen, Vienna Tang, Seane Keane, Alabama Shakes, Audra Day, Jon Batiste and anything else that inspires me. I so enjoy music and the way it can carry you to another place or simply soothe you during a tough time or a celebration.

I have to be honest I do love to listen to my music LOUD. Very seldom do I think that the music is better soft…does anyone?!? This has been challenged during this time of quarantine and my husband doing his NASA work from a bedroom next to my studio. I am guessing this new rocket will dance a little more than the others due to music being inserted into its creation.

Abstract designs of music

I find the words and the ups and downs of the music to be very instrumental in my brushstrokes and colors that I choose. The feelings are so wonderfully translated to art. I feel a warm hug when choosing those warm rusts and luscious landscapes with big skies. Those skies are like a crescendo in a song that are a crowning glory. Always remember to look high up in the sky and see the colors and the gentle breezes that bring life to all of this planet.

Please keep the music playing!

Hedgerow Magic

hedge•row :a rough or mixed hedge of shrubs, trees or plants enclosing or separating fields

Hedgerows were originally planted to delineate fields and town lands in Ireland. They have grown into very important habitats for a diverse group of plants and animals. These living fences line the narrow roadways and insist that you slow to a pace that allows you to see all the life that they are supporting.

These vertical works of art contain flowers, birds, insects, trees and shrubs. Each of these elements supports the other creating its own little ecosystem. Along with being beautiful they are a wonderfully protective place for birds to build their nests and bees to make their homes in wait to do their job of pollinating the plants in the fields around them. These hedgerows provide a valuable service to agriculture through their habitats for pollinators, flora and fauna, and the prevention of soil erosion.

However, as an artist one of my favorite parts are the flowers that they host. They make their homes both in the cracks of the stones, as well as, in the dirt that the winds have deposited in between them. Montebretia, heather and gorse are some of the most widely seen plants I’ve noticed the walls hosting. With their intense colors of orange, purple and yellow the walls create their own abstract painting. The earth is singing a symphony in these roadside treasures.

The road appears to be getting a “sandwich” hug from both sides with the hedgerows. One of my favorite colors is purple because it is so deep and rich. The brilliant hedgerows are filled with these color. While walking the land I am recharged by listening to the earth sing with its beauty. As a child growing up in Iowa I remember enjoying the weeds/flowers that naturally grew in the ditches along side the roads. Even today these “volunteer gardens” bring me a great deal of joy as the hedgerows do in Ireland. What one person considers a weed another may call a flower. The bees that we so desperately need seem to have an infinity for them all and are totally indifferent as to their hierarchy.

So next time you venture out into the country or take a walk in nature remember to slow down and notice the masterpieces being created all around you.

Not every masterpiece is created in the studio…so often it has help from what is right outside.

What Do You Think Is One Of My Most Asked Questions?

As I start my yearly retreat in Ireland I thought I’d answer the question that I get asked frequently.

“Why do you travel alone?”

When was the last time you took off on a trip by yourself? I’m not talking a movie night or going to see relatives, although these are a great place to start. I’m talking about a week or weekend where you don’t have to answer to anyone or anything. The job and responsibilities are left behind and the phone isn’t by your side.

Each year I challenge myself to experience a time like this as I head to Ireland for an exhibition and a self-designed residency for six to eight weeks. The first time I did this was a real awakening experience; I had decided to spend an additional week in Ireland after traveling with my sisters and mother. When they left me alone in our last hotel I suddenly realized I had no one but myself to rely on, which was a bit unsettling in a foreign country.

The feelings were both scary and empowering all at the same time.

I knew no one in the entire country that I could have called upon if I had needed help. Once I got past this paralyzing feeling I began to experience the biggest rush of an adventure. Each time I accomplished something I told myself “Look that wasn’t hard and you did it all on your own!”

Traveling on your own comes with some wonderful perks. YOU decide which exhibitions you attend, what architectural marvels you walk past, how long you linger in a space and what direction you walk.

Good or bad, right or wrong each decision is yours…ALL YOURS!

Over the years I have found this time to be very cathartic. I spend a great deal of time soul-searching, writing, creating artwork and gathering information which later is translated into works of art in my Huntsville, Alabama studio. Writing was never something that I considered myself to be good at but it has really given a lot back to me over time. I force myself to reflect on my life and all the riches that it provides on a daily basis and what I’d love to add to it over time. These discoveries always manage to find their way into my work either through my writing or creative manifestations. I spend a great deal of time observing nature while climbing the mountains and sitting by the sea. The freshness of the breezes whipping my hair from side to side give my skin that freshly touched feeling.

Me finding balance in life…even if it is on a rock.

These times of solitude feel like a baptism, allowing me to open a new chapter in my life. I can’t wait to see where this year challenges me to go!

How do you reset or challenge yourself?

On the Road Again: HGTV’s “Home Town” – Laurel, Mississippi!

Oak-lined streets with magnificent turn of the century architecture can be seen everywhere which gives HGTV’s renown “Home Town”, filmed in Laurel, Mississippi


Located in the Pine Belt of southern Mississippi, Laurel carries all the charm and graciousness of a small town. Neighbors know neighbors and they talk as they pass each other on the sidewalk. There is nothing artificial about their greeting as they have known most of their neighbors their entire life. This is part of what I love about my exploration of the back roads of this wide-world.

Oak-lined streets with magnificent turn of the century architecture can be seen everywhere which gives HGTV’s renown “Home Town”, filmed in Laurel, Continue reading “On the Road Again: HGTV’s “Home Town” – Laurel, Mississippi!”

Why Ireland?

I have always been inquisitive about family history, but no one could have told me that making my first trip to West Cork, Ireland would make such a deep impression on me.    This trip was to discover the land of my ancestors but once on the ground I knew it held so much more.  It quickly won my heart with its family history, wonderfully warm friendly people and the stunning landscapes everywhere I looked.  I felt an immediate need to bring these emotions to my easel.

Ireland 11 - DUK_7044 low res

Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”  ~John Muir

My ancestors come from the Beara Peninsula, an area of Ireland that is not intensely populated.  What it lacks in numbers it makes up for in its treasure trove of landscapes and history.  Continue reading “Why Ireland?”

It’s All About that RED!


|of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies|

Red has never been a favorite color of mine.  Think about it…

•  It means to Stop and I don’t like to stop!
•  Danger is marked with it…No Thank You I’ll pass on danger!
•  Red Marks on Homework…Naw, I’ll pass on those as well!
•  A red number on your register…Bad News!


I know what you are thinking:  “Those aren’t red flowers.  What’s wrong with this artist?”  I see nothing positive about being associated with the color red for me unless that means you are purple or orange.  What makes red so special to so many anyway?


Have you ever seen red that is was soft and welcoming?  Even when you see items for Valentine’s Day they throw a soft pink in there to tone things down. No passion could be that hot…Could it?!?

Red has just always been one of those colors that I avoid. It screams for all your attention no matter where it is. It doesn’t play well with others and as far as I’m concerned needs to stay home.

In my paint baskets there is red, of course. However, Miss Red has a very small basket and has to share with many other colors since there are so few in her family. She is also not allowed to come out and play often as I have many other more “desirables” that like to co-mingle and don’t have to be reprimand. Now don’t get me wrong she does make an appearance when I need a bangin’ orange or a bold rich burgundy. When it comes to playing alone on the canvas that rarely happens. I have always told collectors that if they see a painting of mine with red and love red they had better add it to their collection because they don’t come up frequently.

Even at Christmas I refuse red and all it’s family. Instead, I lean towards purple and all its calming richness that looks great with the oranges of a fire in the fireplace. To add a bit of spark to my purple I love throwing in a Dr. Seuss lime green. You know the one I’m talking about. After all who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss?!?

If forced to work with red I adapt it (get ready for it and remember I’m an artist) into a purple red, a warm orange red with richness and bit of softness. Never a fire engine red! DANGER!

I am not sure what red has ever done to me but I just know to stay clear.  Does anyone else dislike the obnoxious screams of red?

What colors do you dislike and why?

Let me know what colors I should include in my next painting by leaving them in the comments below.

Look For The Unexpected!

When I plan a trip I’m looking for the out of the way, not typical, adventure laden locations. I want to find places that will inspire my creativity, most of the time my choices aren’t tourist location. Many of the times it’s the roads less traveled that peak and hold my interest.

Portmagee, Kerry, Ireland

While in Ireland these back roads also hold a bit of a challenge until you become familiar with driving on the left-hand side of the road in a teeny tiny car with a huge lorry (that would be a semi-truck) coming at you quite obviously partially on your side. While learning to deal with this heart-palpitating adventure you discover the safest method is to just pull over as far as you can and stop, close your eyes and hope for the best. HAHAHA! Once you get used to it you do somewhat the same thing only you keep moving and keep at least one eye open…and hope for the best. Eventually you do master this challenge and transportation fears become a thing of the past. Once this happens you actually start finding yourself getting frustrated with the “tourists” who you no longer consider yourself a part of. There is no problem wherever you are on the scale there is sure to be a pub around the next corner to soothe whatever ails you. This activity can be very inspirational and soothing and I suggest it at least once a day…the pub that is!

Dun Chaoin Pier, Kerry, Ireland

Beautiful flowers grow wild and “hedges” take the place of chemical spraying…so much more environmentally friendly. Spraying of chemicals or mowing every square inch of roadside simply isn’t done in Ireland. I’d love to see more of this be done in the states. Nature has a way of making things beautiful all on its own. In many places these stunning, tall roadside “hedges” are actually rock walls covered in plants…yet another good reason to have fear of driving. If you get too close to these walls you will have new “racing stripes” down the side of your car due to rocks leaving their signature. You learn to absolutely love these “hedges” because the colony of flowers calling them home is so impressive. The cracks and crevices of these walls host many varieties of grasses, flowers, trees and wildlife.

Don’t Fence Me In, 48”x24”, ©️Margaret Dukeman[[
While traveling the countryside staying between the walls will be a challenge because beautiful ruins will be calling your name from just outside of site. Let one eye stray just don’t let them call both eyes off the road for too long. Stopping for a moment is usually the best idea so you can gawk in awe of the structures and their ability to remain standing. The alternative to choosing to stop is to have a “road hazard” giving you a reason to stopl. These “road hazards” will facilitate the necessity to slow down or stop and grab a peak behind the hedge/stone wall. These types of stops are my favorite! Who wouldn’t like to see some adorable four-legged friends?

I figure “road hazards” both on the driving roads or the road of life are a reason to slow down and really look at the world around you. Join me in celebrating “road hazards”!

Who votes for more “road hazards”! Me, Me, Me!!!

Rays of Sunshine Warm Our Lives

Some days the sunshine’s out without even being seen. Today the sun shone brightly and warmed all inside a pub called “The Anvil Pub”, in the small town of Boolteens, Castlemaine, Ireland. They hosted a gathering of our world’s golden treasures, a group of the older generation. They were taking turns singing songs of years ago and dancing to old favorites. Being allowed to share in their performance is a memory I shall never forget! Nothing is better than sweet memories.

Events like this are what I bring to my Irish paintings, through the feelings I get and the warmth it brings my heart.

People make the land through their presence, curiosity, kindness and hard work.

I’ve been very fortunate to have brushed the sleeves of so many kind people. I’ve always felt the lifeblood of the land was its people. Without meeting the people you can’t possibly understand and love the land. In Ireland many families have worked and nurtured the same land for many generations. They know each rock, stream and blade of grass. Land is incredibly valued as it was taken away so many times in their history.

Another strong ray of sunshine appeared as I was invited by Liz, (owner of “The Anvil Pub”) to visit the inspiration to the name of her establishment. Across the street stood a four generation blacksmith shop filled with years of craftsmanship and love.

Front window sill of storage

The village farmer’s brands for the sheep’s horns

Four generations of hand-forged horseshoes

Inside was nearly three centuries of creations and history, through the farmer’s brands on the door, hand-wrought horseshoes from all the years past, along with years and years of decorative metal for churches, fences and homes. He definitely is a cornerstone to his village and you could feel the lifeblood of his family inside the four walls. The love this man has for his craft was quite obvious and being allowed to move about the space was a wonderful opportunity. I wish him many more years of time to share his love of metal. His contribution to the community and land gave me yet another memory to bring to my paintings.

What are YOUR rays of sunshine? Leave them in the comments below.