Creating on Heir Island, West Cork, Ireland

Arriving on Saturday, Monica Jones, an Irish artist/friend ( ) and I hopped a ferry and checked into an old barn restored to a residence on Heir Island. I spent most days walking the narrow lanes and beaches surrounding this beautiful island. Heir is in WestCork, off the Southwest coast of Ireland. Nothing better than being close to, or should I say surrounded by water.

Located high atop a hill towards the center of the island our home gives us stunning views of the Mizen peninsula and a menagerie of other islands surrounding Heir.

While here Monica and I immersed ourselves in nature and looking for that secret spot that speaks to our hearts. Each morning we ventured out in different directions listening to our creative pulls. I spend a great deal of my time photographing landscapes, animals, and anything else that seems to be calling my name. While Monica sketches away on the most beautiful illustrations of the landscape and the mood of it.

I even found an old tractor that couldn’t escape being captured. Love finding some good old RUST! This one had the added bonus of some really great weather worn colors that couldn’t escape the colors of the landscape around it. It appears to have a yearning for the beach.

Follow me around Ireland over the next weeks as I soak in the beautiful Irish people and their amazing country. I may just find some more cousins while I’m at it.

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