Rays of Sunshine Warm Our Lives

Some days the sunshine’s out without even being seen. Today the sun shone brightly and warmed all inside a pub called “The Anvil Pub”, in the small town of Boolteens, Castlemaine, Ireland. They hosted a gathering of our world’s golden treasures, a group of the older generation. They were taking turns singing songs of years ago and dancing to old favorites. Being allowed to share in their performance is a memory I shall never forget! Nothing is better than sweet memories.

Events like this are what I bring to my Irish paintings, through the feelings I get and the warmth it brings my heart.

People make the land through their presence, curiosity, kindness and hard work.

I’ve been very fortunate to have brushed the sleeves of so many kind people. I’ve always felt the lifeblood of the land was its people. Without meeting the people you can’t possibly understand and love the land. In Ireland many families have worked and nurtured the same land for many generations. They know each rock, stream and blade of grass. Land is incredibly valued as it was taken away so many times in their history.

Another strong ray of sunshine appeared as I was invited by Liz, (owner of “The Anvil Pub”) to visit the inspiration to the name of her establishment. Across the street stood a four generation blacksmith shop filled with years of craftsmanship and love.

Front window sill of storage
The village farmer’s brands for the sheep’s horns
Four generations of hand-forged horseshoes

Inside was nearly three centuries of creations and history, through the farmer’s brands on the door, hand-wrought horseshoes from all the years past, along with years and years of decorative metal for churches, fences and homes. He definitely is a cornerstone to his village and you could feel the lifeblood of his family inside the four walls. The love this man has for his craft was quite obvious and being allowed to move about the space was a wonderful opportunity. I wish him many more years of time to share his love of metal. His contribution to the community and land gave me yet another memory to bring to my paintings.

What are YOUR rays of sunshine? Leave them in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “Rays of Sunshine Warm Our Lives”

  1. You are my ray of sunshine as you have taught and have shown me so much about life through your art.

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